Phase 3 of the HCG diet, or the maintenance phase, is very important for weight loss.  The purpose of this phase is to adapt your metabolic rate to your new weight and avoid slow metabolism.

In general, this phase lasts for 3 weeks immediately after the very low-calorie diet (VLCD).  During this time, you need to increase your caloric intake to 1,500 calories divided into 3 meals.  An important aspect of this phase is to focus on healthy foods, such as meats, eggs, cheese, milk, vegetables, and low-sugar dairy.  You also need to avoid starches foods, such as potatoes and corn.

The Lifestyle Habits During the Maintenance Phase

After finishing the second phase, you can reintroduce healthy oils, such as extra virgin oil, coconut oil, and flaxseed oil to your diet.  As for exercise, aerobic and anaerobic training are recommended.  Ideally, you should get 30 minutes of cardio per day.  On strength training days, focus on lifting light weights for a high number of repetitions.

Once this phase is complete, you can go back to your regular diet.  However, make sure to consume sugars in moderation even after finishing your HCG diet round.  You should also eliminate trans-fats and processed foods from your meal planning.

Note that you should not gain any significant weight during the maintenance phase.  For this reason, keep tracking your weight progress during the weeks following the weight loss phase.  Some people may experience 1–2 pounds of weight gain during this phase.  It is a normal process that occurs after restoring your caloric and fluid balance.

What is a Steak Day?

If you gain more than 2 pounds of weight during the maintenance phase, having a steak day becomes important.

Here are the steps to achieve this:

  • Drink a lot of water
  • Consume no calories for breakfast and lunch
  • Eat a large unsalted steak for dinner with an apple or tomato

While some people advocate for having multiple steak days, others prefer to do it just once.  In your case, you should monitor your weight progress carefully to determine the need for a steak day.

If you experience unusual side effects during any phase of the HCG diet, make sure to consult with your physician for tailored medical advice.

How to Optimize Your Maintenance Phase

As the name implies, the maintenance phase aims to stabilize the weight loss that occurred in the previous phase.  For this reason, you need to keep a food journal of what you eat.  This will be helpful in case you gain too much weight and you need the guidance of our healthcare professional.

Here are some beneficial tips to successfully lock in your new weight:

  • Focus on eating real, fresh food (e.g., fruits, vegetables, olive oil, seafood, pork, beef, chicken)
  • Avoid processed foods, canned fruits, and packaged meals
  • Avoid going to restaurants since they add a lot of sugar to their food
  • Include more protein in your diet to help build your muscle mass; this will aid with maintaining a fast metabolic rate
  • Do not consume food products with ingredients that are unfamiliar
  • Drink a lot of water to optimize the functions of your organs

Common Errors of the Maintenance Phase

The maintenance phase represents the final step of the HCG diet, which is sometimes characterized by hasty decisions that may lead to mistakes.

Common mistakes that people make during this phase include:

  • Consuming foods that are rich in starches and sugars, which could mess up your weight loss journey and make you gain a few pounds.
  • Sticking to the 500-calorie intake for too long, which slows down your metabolism and causes nutritional deficiencies.
  • Not including enough protein in your diet

You see, when you lower your caloric intake abruptly, your brain will interpret this event as if you are starving.  To your primitive brain, the only thing that would make you stop eating is a state of danger.

Ex: being stranded on a deserted island

As a result, your brain will slow down your metabolism to lower energy expenditure, which could bring your weight loss journey to an end.

To circle around this obstacle, the maintenance phase increases your caloric intake.

In one study, scientists concluded that participants who maintained their normal caloric intake for 3 days a week experienced significant weight loss when they restricted their calories for the rest of the week.

How Does the Maintenance Phase Work

The maintenance phase allows for the continuation of weight loss without starving yourself.  The relative caloric deficit will undoubtedly lead to weight loss.

Even better, it will help you keep that weight off long-term.

Here is how that happens:

When people lose weight rapidly in a short period of time, they tend to regain it.  Experts believe that caloric deficit diets slow down metabolism; therefore, when you get back to a normal diet, you will start eating normal proportions again, but your metabolism will remain slower for some time.  Consequently, gaining weight occurs a lot faster.

By preventing the slowdown of your metabolism, this diet ensures that you maintain your weight loss.

Takeaway Message

The maintenance phase is critical for the HCG diet to help you transition from a very low-calorie diet to a more reasonable caloric intake.  The purpose of this phase is to prevent the slowdown of your metabolism, which could lead to weight gain.